About the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics
The K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics (Yang Center) is a center of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. We conduct applied and basic research on acoustically active animals in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems, often in collaboration with scientists from other institutions. Much of our work is focused on addressing the conservation of threatened or endangered species and ecosystems. Our projects often include development of new hardware and software tools for collection and analysis of acoustic data.
About Raven sound analysis software
Raven is a family of user-friendly software programs developed by the Yang Center for the acquisition, visualization, measurement, and analysis of sounds. Three related programs are available, designed for different categories of users. Raven Pro is a powerful research and teaching application for scientists needing flexible visualization and measurement tools for analysis of audio recordings of any length. Raven Lite is a free program intended for students, educators, and hobbyists, and can be used for learning about sounds, as an aid in birdsong recognition, and in musical instruction. Raven Exhibit is a customizable sound visualization and recording system designed to engage visitors at science museums, zoos, aquariums, and nature centers.
About CCB sound analysis training resources
The Yang Center provides in-person and online training for users of Raven Pro and other scientists interested in the analysis of animal sounds. We offer a five-day introductory-level Sound Analysis Workshop at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York, USA, usually twice per year. The workshop is intended primarily for biologists interested in analysis, visualization, and measurement of animal sounds. A series of video tutorials introducing basic functions of Raven Pro in English, French, Hindi Portuguese, and Spanish is currently available on this site. We also have the Virtual Lab: Sound Analysis Principles with the more advanced features of Raven as well as lectures on basic principles of digital audio, spectrographic analysis, and measurement of animal sounds.