BioacousTalks Seminars

BioacousTalks is your bi-weekly gathering with a vibrant community of people working in passive acoustic monitoring. In these sessions, we invite speakers to present new acoustic methods and analysis tools, and engage in discussions about hot-button topics in our field. This series started several years ago and we’ve now had dozens of fun sessions. It is hosted by the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and open to all who are interested in participating.

We meet every two weeks over Zoom, usually at 10:30 AM EST. We would eagerly welcome new participants, especially those from different countries in order to foster an open and connected PAM community and benefit from a diversity of experiences and perspectives. If you are interested in attending the meetings, please sign up online.

Recordings of past presentations can be watched in the BioacousTalks playlist at the Yang Center YouTube channel.

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