“Your session was unexpected lost”


The Cornell Lab of Ornithology E-Store may block your order.

Solution #1

The E-Store may not accept characters with diacritical marks (á, ä, à, ç, ñ, …) and most special characters ([, ], *, …). Try removing characters that do not appear in the English alphabet.


Solution #2

The check-out page at the Cornell E-Store does not have a field for email address, so the E-Store cannot email the installation instructions to you. You can resolve this problem by closing the Raven tab in your web browser, clearing your web browser cache, and returning to the E-Store to place your order. For example, in Google Chrome clear cached images and files as described in these instructions.


Solution #3

If all else fails, request support. We want you to have Raven as soon as possible!



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