Deprecated Versions of Raven


The current versions of Raven are:

We do not support older version of Raven such as Raven Pro 1.5, Raven Pro 1.4, Raven Pro 1.3, and Raven Lite 1.0. If you have an older version of Raven, we recommend that you install the current version instead. Serial numbers of deprecated versions of Raven are valid for the current version, and can be used to register it. If you have lost your serial number, please request support.

There is no need to uninstall deprecated versions of Raven before installing the current version, since both versions can co-exist on the same computer with no problem.

Occasionally the Raven Support Desk will suggest that Raven users install older versions of Raven. To that end, we provide installation instructions below. Note that older versions of Raven will regularly prompt you to update them. Please ignore these prompts; no update is available.

Installation Instructions for Raven Pro 1.5

For those users who absolutely must have Raven Pro 1.5, we offer the following downloads. You must install Oracle Java 8 before installing Raven Pro 1.5. (If you are installing Java 8 on Windows, install “Windows Offline” or “Windows Offline (64-bit)”.)

32-bit Raven Pro 1.5 for Windows

64-bit Raven Pro 1.5 for Windows

Raven Pro 1.5 for Mac OS

64-bit Raven Pro 1.5 for Linux

  $ mkdir ~/opt  
  $ gzip -d ~/Downloads/Raven-
  $ sudo tar -xf ~/Downloads/Raven- -C ~/opt
  $ sudo chown -R username:username ~/opt/Raven-
  $ tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/jre-8u311-linux-x64.tar.gz -C ~/opt/Raven-  
  $ cd ~/opt/Raven-
  $ mv jre1.8.0_311 jre
    • Open Raven Pro using Terminal.
           $ ~/opt/Raven-

Installation Instructions for Raven Pro 1.4

For those users who absolutely must have Raven Pro 1.4, we offer the following downloads. You must install Oracle Java 8 before installing Raven Pro 1.4.

32-bit Raven Pro 1.4 for Windows

64-bit Raven Pro 1.4 for Windows

32-bit Raven Pro 1.4 for Mac OS

64-bit Raven Pro 1.4 for Mac OS

Installation Instructions for Raven Lite 2.0.0

For those users who absolutely must have Raven Lite 2.0.0, we offer the following downloads. You must install Oracle Java 8 before installing Raven Lite 2.0.0.

32-bit Raven Lite 2.0.0 for Windows

64-bit Raven Lite 2.0.0 for Windows

Raven Lite 2.0.0 for Mac OS

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