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sound detection

Band-Limited Energy Detector (BLED) Theory

Understanding the Band-Limited Energy Detector

Detector Documentation

An alternative to manually browsing through large datasets is to use automatic detection. Detection is the process of finding specific sounds of interest within recordings. Often, the signals of interest are short in duration compared to the overall recording. Detection can be a useful tool when compared to the alternative process of manually browsing days of recordings in order to find small samples of interesting sounds.

Detector Theory

Theoretical concerns involving the use of detectors including statistical tradeoffs associated with detection. This information may be helpful in configuring the optimal settings for a detector.

Machine Learning Detector – Quick Start Guide

Raven's new Learning Detector uses TensorFlow machine learning technology to automatically detect and classify sounds.

Machine Learning Detector – Adding New TensorFlow Models

This document describes the requirements of metadata and TensorFlow model format for Raven Pro to integrate a TensorFlow machine learning model.

Acoustic analysis with BirdNET and (almost) no coding: practical instructions

Automated birdsong detect: complete instructions