
Spectrogram Tips

Guide to making beautiful, useful spectrograms

Spectrogram Parameters

How to set spectrogram parameters in Raven

Selection Labels

Add labels with annotations and measurements next to selections in the various sound views.

Sound Window Presets

Introduction When you install Raven Pro the default window preset, “Default 1.3 Power”, causes all sounds to open with a...

Spectrograms for Presentation and Publication

Introduction The image exporter in Raven allows the user to create high-quality spectrogram images for presentation or publication. You can...

Digital Representation of Sound

A brief explanation of how sound is represented digitally. An understanding of the basic principles introduced here will be helpful in using Raven.

A Biologist’s Introduction to Spectrum Analysis

Conceptual background for making and interpreting spectrogram and spectrogram slice views with Raven. It introduces the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), the mathematical technique used by Raven for making spectrograms.

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